the jindosh riddle. For each statement in the riddle, if it tells you the position of something on the line, (such as “the woman on the far left drank whiskey”) fill the spreadsheet appropriately. the jindosh riddle

For each statement in the riddle, if it tells you the position of something on the line, (such as “the woman on the far left drank whiskey”) fill the spreadsheet appropriatelythe jindosh riddle Play an Audiograph from the old Empress

I just spent nearly an entire hour working on the Riddle/Logic Puzzle, and finally finished it w/o looking up any guides or solutions. I'm on my second playthrough and I decided to try and solve Jindosh's lock riddle ( the one with the 5 women)! In my first playthrough, I killed some guy and he had the answers on him. Okay I've reached the Jindosh riddle in Dishonoured 2, from what I understand the riddle text and solution is randomised. Corvo or Emily must gain access to Aramis Stilton's manor, which has only one point of entry; a large door protected by the Jindosh lock. The first one is to flip the lever in the main hall, having a conversation with the man and then going through subsequent rooms filled with mechanical soldiers. the easiest for the Eureka trophy is when you start the chapter go to the door of Jindosh's riddle to make a save then do the mission to kill Paolo and when you finish go to the door of Jindosh and you will see the results you take a. The women sat in a row. 2016 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Guide to solve the Jindosh riddle in dust district. It doesn't matter which order you put the answer into the lock, only that the right ladies and heirlooms match. 1 / 3. The note also reveals the owner of one of the heirlooms. Einstein riddle/Zebra puzzle. To undo/redo, go backward/forward in your browser. Read the Help . There's an easier way to solve the riddle without having to do a grid: Lady 1, object 3 Lady 2, object 4 Lady 3, object 2 Lady 4, object 1 Lady 5, last object not mentioned This will always unlock the door, no matter how the names and objects are re-arranged in the riddle. When it opens, collect Document: The Jindosh Riddle. I'm gonna try that tomorrow. It basically boils down to things like "whoever is the first name mentioned in this line has the item in this line and this chair". So easy to manipulate, I spent 2 hours to solve the Jindosh Riddle just because npc said it was impossible. Erik_P6 years ago#6. If you manage to solve t. A fairly large open sandbox world, Dishonored 2 gives its play. . You can solve the Jindosh riddle, did the combination in one of the Howlers' rooms (the key to which is in the vice overseer's headquarters) or deliver a knocked out boss to the other. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and…What a cruel question from OP since all of them are genuinely incredible. The entrance to Stilton's mansion, along with the complex Jindosh lock is on the right, while the enemy territory is on the left. The combination is in the same level as the riddle. A constraint solver for Dishonored 2's Jindosh Riddle. This option is reserved for players. As long as the item underneath their name is correct the door will till unlock. 29 votes, 19 comments. Blink to the solution. I loaded back an old save before killing them and the door accepted that answer so idk, except I feel like I wasted the last two hours of my life. The functional one was likely trying to stop the one with the camera destroyed and Jindosh got in the middle. Thankfully I like grid puzzles, so I grabbed a generator from the internet, inputted all categories, and got to filling it. Edited November 13, 2016 by AshboThe Jindosh Lock . The Jindosh's riddle can be solved, as I have done it in the my second through of the mission 6. Destroy the window on the ceiling and use Blink to get to the upper floor. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. . Guide to solve the Jindosh riddle in dust district. Later on, one woman gets on the table and…You can either deliver the leader of one faction to the other, dead or alive, to gain access to Aramis Stilton’s manor, or choose to solve the Jindosh riddle keeping the door to it locked. But you can also google 'Jindosh riddle' and find a guide, particularly on Steam, which gives you the solution. It's not directly connected to Jindosh's Clockwork Mansion, but he was the inventor of much of that technology (and the vault in the bank heist mission in Death of the Outsider as well). I literally just solved it on paper. Always Works. This means no help from the Howlers or Overseers and no finding the code elsewhere. Dishonred 2 being an action game and having such a hard puzzle out of nowhere was a big surprise for me. Actually not very different, the pattern is always the same. The combination is said to be almost impossible to. Was very, very surprised after nonstop high chaos. Let's begin with dividing the riddle into base elements: Female Names - Natsiou, Contee, Finch, Marcolla, Winslow. Jindosh Riddle solver. Get inside and then take the stairs from the lobby to the first floor, and enter the room vis-a-vis. You have to arrange the women to the right order to open the lock. Au diner, il y avait cinq femmes : Lady Winslow, Docteur Marcolla, Comtesse Contee, Madame Natsiou, et Barone Finch. At the same time, kidnapping one of the leaders is also a viable solution - when carrying Byrne's body, Howlers located in the west part of Dust. This Jindosh riddle is driving me crazy trying to solve it. ReplyLet's Solve the Jindosh Riddle (Eureka Achievement) Using Excel in Dishonored 2. . Doctor Marcolla —. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Dishonored: Death of the…77 votes, 18 comments. The lady in green sat left of someone in red. LogicalSolver supports you in solving a logic grid puzzle that is also known as logical, logigram or logiquiz . Look up the jindosh riddle on the dishonored wiki. The lady in green sat left of someone in blue. ago. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and…No, not because Jindosh attacked the other one. Lady Winslow was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a purple jacket. The lock doesn't care about the order, just the pairings of name + item. Delorean82 • 5 yr. "Someone else carried a valuable Diamond and when she saw it, the visitor from Dabokva next to her almost spilled her neighbor's rum. The lock's combination can be determined by solving the Jindosh Riddle. There's a pattern to the riddle. You’ll need it when you take food into Stilton’s house. Me and my girlfriends workings from trying to solve the Jindosh riddle 🤣🤣 - of_the_endless29. Congrats, you’ve turned the Jindosh riddle into a very easy jigsaw puzzle. If you manage to solve this. Lock Mortimer Ramsey inside the Safe Room. B) Save the game. I had heard about the Jindosh Riddle and that you can attempt to solve it and bypass the level it's in, so I was excited to finally see it and determined to solve it without using a walkthrough. The riddle is the same everytime, just the characters are mixed, so where it says in mine, Baroness Finch wore a jaunty hat it may in another say Countess Contee wore a jaunty hat or Madam Natsiou showed off a prize Snuff Tin etc. John Citron May 18, 2020 @ 4:10pm. #6. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Dishonored: Death of the…The sequence goes as follows, in the order of how the ladies and heirlooms show up in the riddle: Lady 1, heirloom 3. 91K subscribers in the dishonored community. Make a save when you first reach the Jindosh Lock. They just changed the theme of it to make it fit into the game, but it's solved the exact same way. Big thanks to Bethesda Softworks for sending me a copy of this game. The lady in. But then I come across the Jindosh Riddle in Mission 6. There are only something like 14k possible combinations and because of the way his riddle was written it is actually significantly easier to solve. Mindy's apartment is located opposite to the Silvergraph studio. . My misson screen says…Business, Economics, and Finance. There are combinations found throughout the games of the Dishonored franchise and their respective DLCs used to open safes and certain locked doors. I killed the Howler's leader and delivered him to the Overseer, but…Originally posted by Zekiran: Yes, that's known as the Jindosh Riddle or Puzzle. I think the 1st woman mentioned is the 3rd mentioned object while the second woman is the 4th object. Countess Contee was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a white jacket. For example, I have a PhD in analytical philosophy, and I thought that the Jindosh Riddle was very well done. Comment. It says that the woman in blue spilled her whiskey on her dress. In the game it randomises the original names and items but the solution is always the same. LogicalSolver supports you in solving a logic grid puzzle that is also known as logical, logigram or logiquiz . Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Lady 2 - Heirloom 4. Easy to miss, it's on top of the cabinet by Emily's bed in the safe room. Waaaaaaaaaaaalugi. (eg. Head to the Overseer Outpost to find Durante's key in the Vice Overseer's office. Jindosh Riddle Solver WIP. The Jindosh Riddle (technically not a safe) is arguably the toughest puzzle to solve in the game. Lady 2, heirloom 4. Next to it, a written-out logic puzzle called “The Jindosh Riddle. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and…Love seeing other people's notes 😊 i just did the lock again the other day (time before last was three years ago lol), I usually do a grid with the seating numbers on top and then rows for name, drink, location, colour and item below, fill in the stuff the riddle tells you, and then start adding things based on the logic. While it can be solved by those with the. When you get to the Vice Overseer and he sees Paulos body he will give you the Jindosh RiddleSometimes I felt like quitting and doing the level (I didn't know that I was actually at the door to the next level) but then I thought of Jindosh's smug ass face and I didn't want to let him beat me after I made his own stupid ass solder cut him down. He is an assassination target in the Dishonored 2 mission The Clockwork Mansion. . In particular, it gives a Warning: Goal (directive) failed, and returns true with. After I saw the Jindosh Riddle at the Stilton Manor door, I thought I'd first finish all the Dust District objectives and then…I don't have enough money to buy Dishonored 2, but I do have enough time to make a logic program that solves the Jindosh riddle. The solver uses the constraint programming library Choco to model the riddle's constraints and find the single solution. spend 8 hours collecting every bottle on the mapA web app for solving the Jindosh Riddle from Dishonored 2. This in depth guide will help you to analyze and solve the unique Jindosh riddle in Dishonored 2 during mission 6 the Dust District. Einstein riddle/Zebra puzzle. ) and making assumptions like “Doctor Marcolla is a doctor and doctors wear white labcoats so she’s the. He said he obtained the code in a previous mission, and the mansion is the most logical source. Order of mention. This is just one of them. Name *Solved the Jindosh Lock with getting the answer prior! I feel good about it, what I did is I wrote all the little details on little peices of paper…Crack the Jindosh Lock without finding the solution elsewhere In chapter 6 "Dust District", you must crack a lock to continue. The lady in white sat left of someone in. First time solving the Jindosh riddle and I've got no-one to brag to about the embarrassing amount of time I spent It's randomised each time so figured it didn't count as a spoiler Locked post. Corvo or Emily may choose to side with one of the groups by bringing the opposing leader's body to them, so that the group can provide. This Jindosh riddle is driving me crazy trying to solve it. The Jindosh. 59 votes, 23 comments. I have to admit for a modern game aimed at todays dumbed down instant gratification audience the Jindosh Riddle is pretty complicated. In the first game. spend 8 hours collecting every bottle on the mapHey. Read the Help . 5 woman, different colors, drinks, etc. Countess Contee. The second one took two hits to kill, presumably because my first grenade. The riddle is the same everytime, just the characters are mixed, so where it says in mine, Baroness Finch wore a jaunty hat it may in another say Countess Contee wore a jaunty hat or Madam Natsiou showed off a prize Snuff Tin etc. yeah it's kinda silly that no one thought to just brute force the jindosh riddle lol. In fact, I thought this was a bonus area or something…This was my first playthrough by the way, as Emily on Low Chaos. At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch. Be the first to comment . Click left for a negative relation (-), click right (or long-click, or while Ctrl key pressed) for a positive relation (+). Their violence isn't even restricted to the upper class, either. (Misson 6: Dust District) Jindosh Riddle Solution for Any Combination Spoilers for Mission 6: Dust District So I think I've solved the Jindosh riddle, and the solution should work for. Aug 23, 2022 @ 10:35am. This repository contains solutions to the Jindosh Riddle puzzle from Dishonored 2 in various languages. Your email address will not be published. Here is the problem: A) If the order on the solution is the same order according to which ladies sat. Then play as Corvo the second time. First time solving the Jindosh riddle and I've got no-one to brag to about the embarrassing amount of time I spentMe and my girlfriends workings from trying to solve the Jindosh riddle 🤣🤣 - Toast434 • There's only one way to best do stealth in this game. I have looked around and other people have made Prolog programs to solve the riddle, but I would like to know why my solution does not work. Ranger1219 • 5 yr. There is a puzzle in the game, see the picture below (no spoilers). SuzLouA • 6 yr. A Guide To Solving The Jindosh Riddle Let’s begin. 14. So we can mark Countess Contee as a Yes. Click left for a negative relation (-), click right (or long-click, or while Ctrl key pressed) for a positive relation (+). You basically use it to map out where the known information is, and then use that to fill in the unknown stuff. The actual riddle is in a scroll to the right of the door, and has a whole little theme (fancy party) to it. bodies discovered don't count as detection, only the "Spotted by enemies" stat. In this moment, you can end the mission by solving Jindosh's riddle. requium94 • 5 yr. I haven't played the game in a bit so I don't remember the riddle that well but if it said something such as "Winslow was wearing red and the person to their left was drinking rum" you would make a check mark in the box that intersects Red and Winslow, then an X or something in the. After solving it manually from the riddle I played out the rest of the mission to get bonecharms and runes The clue that gives you the solution was in a completely different order to the “real” order of the seating arrangement I worked out manually. I'm on my first playthrough and just reached the Dust District. . However, the body of Byrne's archenemy, Paolo, must be delivered to him first. Game: Dishonored 2Steam Group: Ian Boswell :. Jawmuncher Crisis Dino. A little fun with video games before the bed, am I right? Well, almost first thimg that came up to me was this riddle, but I instantly knew what the riddle was about, it is the "Einstein's puzzle" or "Zebra puzzle" or whatever. I'll show you in this video how to solve the riddle yourself and earn the achievement/trophy - Eureka (Solve the Jindosh Riddle without finding the solution. Items - diamond, war medal, ring, bird pendant, snuff tin. ago. Completing the Jindosh Riddle unlocks the gate to Aramis Stilton's Manor during Dishonored 2's Dust District section. #4. The riddle is a variation of one I've seen before, it was presented as "Einsteins riddle" with five men of different nationalities, coloured houses, favourite drinks and cigarette brands. Now, head to the 2nd floor of the Crone's Hand Saloon to find Durante's apartment. The women sat in a row. Reply. Here's how to crack the secure Jindosh vault puzzle in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. As for the final ending, leaving Paolo and Vice overseer alive is the best ending to this plot. 92K subscribers in the dishonored community. i can't figure out whether i am dumb or there's some translation issues cause the riddle says: "L'ospite che arrivava da Karnaca aveva un abito blu. . And then there's this lmao that's awesome. How to unlock the Eureka achievement in Dishonored 2: Crack the Jindosh Lock without finding the solution elsewhere. If you get Low Chaos, he also leaves the empire free and happy. Mike_Grugowski • 3 yr. To solve the Jindosh Lock Puzzle, input the following names and heirlooms in order — Solution #1: Family: Winslow | Natsiou | Marcolla | Finch | Contee; Heirloom: Bird | Ring | Snuff Tin. The Jindosh Riddle. You can sort of tell that it'll just swap the names/items/colours per play through so it's essentially the same riddle. Sauce. This in depth guide will help you to analyze and solve the unique Jindosh riddle in Dishonored 2 during mission 6 the Dust District. A spreadsheet for calculating long-range flights in Space Engineers. Lady 3, heirloom 2. You can do that by starting the carriage with a special code that is hidden inside of the office, or simply make your. 91K subscribers in the dishonored community. After leaving the outpost, enter a. All 5 people could be found through the first try. The Jindosh Riddle At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch. However, you can bypass it by getting the code in Durante's office at The Crone's Hand Pub. The premise is thus: there is a 'shortcut' to proceed to the next level if you key in the correct combination (names to figures). This can be found by looking at the symbols on the door and matching them up with the symbols on the walls. So I recently started mission #6 of Dishonored 2 and faced the “Jindosh Riddle”. 89K subscribers in the dishonored community. One of the major clues says that Finch is to the far left. Me and my girlfriends workings from trying to solve the Jindosh riddle 🤣🤣 - Toast434 • There's only one way to best do stealth in this game. As for Jindosh his smug commentary makes it extra fun when you finally get to take him out, and it's funny how he gets annoyed about you smashing his clockwork soldiers. I was happily surprised that something like that was built into the game. Boards. by Sexy-ChickenNugget. You can now open the Jindosh Lock with the right match of ladies and their heirlooms. r/dishonored. It's not made particularity clear, but the order the women are listed on the solution does not. A written note found in Dishonored 2 that contains a code to unlock a safe in Aramis Stilton's manor. The riddle's first paragraph. The Jindosh Riddle in Dishonored 2. Bookmark/share the link for saving/sharing. So I created a 5 x 5 matrix of all the guest names, places, dress colours, drinks and jewelry on paper and cut it up so I could rearrange it how I liked. No one. This achievement is worth 15 Gamerscore. How to unlock the Eureka achievement in Dishonored 2: Crack the Jindosh Lock without finding the solution elsewhere. Open . Take the gold from the safe inside the tower’s Safe Room. CryptoThe Jindosh riddle is always different when you start a new game :) roma49 • 7 yr. I fucked around one play through and figured out a trick. . Each time I have been lazy and gone after the Jindosh Riddle answer instead of…How to solve the Jindosh riddleI appreciate everyone else has probably already done this and it took me an hour but I solved the Jindosh riddle! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment FiddlerOfTheForest • Additional comment actions. Feel free to download a fillable copy and solve! I used the fill tool to fill boxes either green or red to show correlation. Bonecharm #5 and Painting #3: Jindosh Considers an Odd Numerator - Leaving the other apartment, look for the large red condemned building, and hop onto the awning where an open window on the. One of my most rewarding moments in gaming was being able to crack the jindosh riddle in Stilton's door without help, guides, or doing the dust district level. Lady 4, heirloom 1. This is from our friend the Duke. Solve the Jindosh Lock By Cheating. Then play the game several more times. This took waaaay longer than I thought it would, but I'm happy I didn't look online for the answer. There is a puzzle in the game, see the picture below (no spoilers). It is a difficult task, as the symbols are not easily. Can anyone help? I heard that the riddle is different for everyone in every playthrough so here's what the game gave me as the riddle: At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch. If you manage to solve t. It would be a specific type of puzzle, similar to the Zebra Puzzle or Einstein’s Riddle. Green sits far left White sits middle etc). ago. At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch. The riddle only asks who owns which thing. Still, the mystery isn’t actually very mysterious. The women sat in a row. 91K subscribers in the dishonored community. Here is what I got: At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou and Baroness Finch. Let me explain. Completing the Jindosh Riddle unlocks the gate to Aramis Stilton's Manor during Dishonored 2's Dust District section. I have solved the Jindosh's riddle and achieved the EUREKA! (I have re-start the mission once I know the riddle could be solved from the start). Easy Jindosh Solution for any playthrough! By ThePugHybrid. "Business, Economics, and Finance. Match the names with the symbols in the riddle found in the box beside the door. . Most locks in this game have a three number combination what you must break before you can enter. It is definitely not the cleanest or most performant code, but it solved the riddle within a minute or two running on my laptop. Aramis Stilton's Manor is one of the locations in Dishonored 2. On our chart, we’ll find the box intersecting the Lady Winslow. To undo/redo, go backward/forward in your browser. Note! There are two methods that can be used to take out Jindosh. Zekiran. The Presidium has several members, the most powerful of which are the three High Judges. It took me about an hour to figure out. If you can solve this (randomised) logic puzzle on your own right now, feel free - but you’ll miss all the goodies in this mission, and won. 3DS Friend Code: 1564-1994-7120 | Switch Friend Code: 8158-7146-8602. Anton. Subreddit for the Arkane Studios video games Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Dishonored: Death of the…Business, Economics, and Finance. It seems that visiting Overseers at the beginning is the right choice, considering that the key to Durante's office (in which the combination to Jindosh Lock is hidden) is located in Byrne's room. The Jindosh Riddle. Approximately halfway through the game, you will enter the Dust District, tasked with heading to the. Eureka is an achievement/trophy in Dishonored 2. Edited November 13, 2016 by Ashbo The Jindosh Lock . I'd really recommend doing it yourself first time as it's really rewarding when you crack it, but if you've done it before and are doing a repeat playthrough, or you're just really stumped, then this should speed things up. Not the riddle, the idea behind the whole lock. That just doesn’t seem right to me. It's the level where you have to capture Paulo or the overseer Byrne. F F will always evaluate. They believe in focusing on keeping order and structure, but also converting everyone to the Abby of the Everyman. Completing the Jindosh Riddle unlocks the gate to Aramis Stilton's Manor during Dishonored 2's Dust District section. Green sits far left White sits middle etc). I also started tripping out on their respective titles (Lady, Countess, etc. The Jindosh puzzle is stupid, and you can't change my mind. requium94 • 5 yr. By reloading the old save you can trick the game. If you don't mind cheating the jindosh puzzle (if it's only for the achievement for example) you could look up how speedrunners solve it, otherwise pen paper and time are your best friends. The first one is to flip the lever in the main hall, having a conversation with the man and then going through subsequent rooms filled with mechanical soldiers. How to unlock the Howlers ’til the End achievement. jacket. The Jindosh puzzle is stupid, and you can't change my mind. My note looked like this, but from what I read online later, this is randomized for every playthrough. Edit: Not the riddle in Jindosh mansion, its a riddle for a door later in the game. Kirin Jindosh is the Grand Inventor to the Duke of Serkonos and founder of Jindosh Clockworks. I didn't even know this was a way spoiler, since I spooked the NPCs talking about it. I solved it my first time through and felt like a fucking genius, but it took a lot of doodling on scrap paper and probably fried more brain cells than anything. The Jindosh Riddle. He also kills granny rags. 5. 12 November 2016 During Dishonored 2 ‘s sixth mission in the Dust District, you’ll encounter a strange puzzle called the ‘Jindosh Riddle’. Business, Economics, and Finance. 91K subscribers in the dishonored community. I love stealth. In case anyone is missing that achievement there's an easy way to solve it. Ashworth: Non-lethal Byrne and Paolo: Either avoid them altogether and solve the Jindosh riddle myself or put both (non-lethal) in the coffins that are in the silvergraph studio. Alternatively, Byrne can be delivered to Paolo or both men can be ignored completely. Read the Help . 1. There's actually an easy way to "solve" it. now with 100% more user input. Delta. . Kill Paolo or the high overseer in order to get the solution. Jindosh Lock Solution. The Jindosh Riddle The Jindosh Riddle is a logic puzzle found in the Dust District of Dishonored 2. Reply FlyingTaquitoBrother •. Dishonored 2 is an old ass game, I just couldn't find any decent tutorials okay!Also, I forget to mention in the video the puzzle randomizi. Business, Economics, and Finance. In it, you must match the five women. 50 votes, 14 comments. [spoiler=Jindosh]Jindosh Riddle: Before: Riddle: Solution: To add to this. A Crack in the Slab. The Jindosh's riddle can be solved, as I have done it in the my second through of the mission 6. The women sat. 490. I replaced the names in the game with names of my PCs). Logic grid puzzles are pretty fun, I’d recommend trying one out. Now to go and find Stilton. individual thought patterns. F = A \land B F = A∧ B. Read the Help . First find out the order of which people sit by the colors. I've been playing through Dishonored 2 for the first time and, by and large, it's been a smooth experience. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. I like Logic Problems by Egghead Games myself. It basically boils down to things like "whoever is the first name mentioned in this line has the item in this line and this chair". You need to be carrying the body of whoever, but you don't need to kill them, you can just knock them out and carry around the body. This is a simple Java program that I wrote to solve the Jindosh Riddle from the videogame Dishonored 2 using brute force. Me and my girlfriends workings from trying to solve the Jindosh riddle 🤣🤣 - Toast434 • There's only one way to best do stealth in this game. Method 1: Solve the Jindosh Lock. There are some hints for you guys to solve the riddle by yourselves!(No spoilers) 1. . It is a difficult task, as the symbols are not easily. Lady 1 - Heirloom 3. yea it's nto a big problem with guards as if they're that close they're usually conversing in the corner, dogs on the other hand roam. the rest of session came to a halt. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Jindosh Lock - While not a safe, this door is locked with the toughest code in the game: A riddle that takes the form of a complicated logic puzzle. . Dishonored 2 | How to Solve the Jindosh Lock FASTDishonored 2 | How to Solve the Jindosh Lock 100% Dishonored 2 Easy Jindosh Riddle SolutionDishonored. In the meantime, by completing the challenge, players can gain access to the. Bookmark/share the link for saving/sharing. When it came out, I did not expect Dishonored 2, a game primarily about killing/not killing things, to come with one of the most braincracking riddles I've come across in a long time.